February 2024

Cooling the steamed rice as part of the miso making process. Photo by Alex Garberg.

Midwinter Greetings from South River Miso

The days are growing longer and the sun is getting stronger here in New England! Winter is a good time for us to make miso in western Massachusetts.

Inside the production room, the aromatic beans and grains are being cooked by woodfire in a large cauldron, while outside the sun glints off the cold snow.

SALE on Tohum Tahini!

We're having a 50% off sale on our specialty offering from Tohum Tahini! Only $6.35 for a 16 oz glass jar.

Tohum Tahini is:

-100% Certified Organic
- One ingredient only: stone ground, toasted organic sesame seeds
- Woman owned small business www.tohum.com
- Creamy, delicious and versatile in recipes
- A rich source of iron and calcium

Visit our online store to order any of the 9 varieties of our all organic, handcrafted miso and other specialty products.

Tasty Tahini Miso Dip

Serves three or four


½ cup Tohum Sesame Tahini
¼ cup water
1 tbsp Azuki Miso or any of our other one year varieties
1 tbsp Blue Heron Maple Syrup
1 tsp lemon zest
1 tbsp fresh lemon juice


1. Stir tahini in jar to mix in oil if necessary.

2. In a small bowl stir water into tahini.

3. Stir in all other ingredients. Stir in lemon zest.

Can be used as a healthy dip with fruit or vegetable slices. Yum!

Order all of our miso, Tohum Sesame Tahini, and Blue Heron Maple Syrup at www.southrivermiso.com.

Visit Our Website

Enjoy our website by exploring the links below.


- Shop at our online store.
- Try more of our great recipes.
- Watch videos of rice growing at South River.
- Watch these videos about miso making at South River Miso.

Please join our community on Instagram, Facebook and Youtube.

Be in touch!
South River Miso Company
888 Shelburne Falls Road
Conway, MA 01341
PH: 413.369.4057
FX: 413.369.4299

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