Health Benefits
There are many fine links which reference the health benefits of miso. Below are just a few organized by category:
Natural Import Company - an excellent summary of miso's many health benefits
Working Alchemy: The Miracle of Miso by Anna Bond
Cancer prevention:
Reduced Risk of Breast Cancer Linked to Miso Soup
- This article published in the English Journal of the National Cancer Institute in June 2003, reports breast cancer risk was reduced by one half in Japanese women who ate three or more bowls of miso soup on an almost daily basis. Conducted by the Japan Public Health Study of Cancer and Cardiovascular Disease, the report monitored 21,852 women from 1990 to 2000. Post-menopausal women showed the highest reduction of risk.
With high quality miso available in the USA, we too can enjoy the protective health benefits of this miraculous food.
Reference: Soy, Isoflavones, and Breast Cancer Risk in Japan, by Yamamoto, S. in Journal of the National Cancer Institute, Vol. 95, pgs 906-913, June 18, 2003.
Click here to read an abstract for this article.
Click here for full article.
Radiation: Miso & Radiation
Miso as a Probiotic Food
Top Probiotic Foods