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Home > Three Year Miso

Three Year Miso

Organic Three-Year Barley Miso
Price: $14.60
Three Year Barley Miso has long been one of our most popular varieties because of its rich, hearty...
Availability: Beginning Fall 2024
Organic Chickpea Barley Miso
Price: $15.00
We first made this soy-free variety for a customer who requested a long-term barley miso, but...
Availability: Beginning Fall 2024
Organic Hearty Brown Rice Miso
Price: $14.60
Deep, dark, and nourishing, this miso is wonderful in soups, stews, and casseroles. It contains all...
Availability: Beginning Fall 2024
Be in touch!
South River Miso Company
888 Shelburne Falls Road
Conway, MA 01341
PH: 413.369.4057
FX: 413.369.4299

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