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Price: $16.00

Organic Brown Rice Koji

Availability: Beginning Fall 2024

Sold in one pound increments at $16.00 per pound. One pound = 2 2/3 cups.

Any orders over four pounds will be packed in one bulk bag. 


We make Brown Rice Koji (a Japanese term for cultured grain) by

inoculating steamed rice with the spores of Aspergillus oryzae.

During a two-day fermentation process the rice is transformed

into sweet, fragrant Koji. We make koji from a number of different

cereal grains for different varieties of miso. Rice koji is used as a

starter to make a number of other fermented foods besides miso,

such as sake, amazaké, rice vinegar, and mirin. Our South River Brown

Rice Koji is made from slightly polished, Certified Organic Short Grain Brown Rice.

Most people use this dried koji for making homemade amazaké, a sweet pudding,

beverage, or a sweetener substitute made entirely from cereal grain.

South River Amazaké Recipe

Be in touch!
South River Miso Company
888 Shelburne Falls Road
Conway, MA 01341
PH: 413.369.4057
FX: 413.369.4299

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